
Turkish - German University
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Department of Economics


: Language (G: German, TR: Turkish, E: English, G/E: German or English)
: Theory
: Practice
: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System



1. Semester
2. Semester
Code Course L T P ECTS
VWL102 İktisada Giriş 2
Einführung in die VWL 2
Introduction to Economics 2
G 2 2 6
VWL104 Matematik 2
Mathematik 2
Mathematics 2
G 2 2 5
VWL106 İstatistik 2
Statistik 2
Statistics 2
G 2 2 5
VWL108 Bilimsel Çalışma Yöntemleri
Akademische Forschung und Schreibtechniken
Scientific Study Methods
G 2 0 3
VWL110 Bilgisayar Programlaması ve Kullanımına Giriş
Einführung in die Computerprogrammierung und -anwendung
Introduction to Computer Programming and Applications
G 0 2 3
VWL112 Toplum Bilimine Giriş
Einführung in die Soziologie
Introduction to Sociology
G 3 0 3
DEU112 İktisatçılar için Almanca 2
Wirtschafdeutsch 2
Business German 2
G 2 0 3
ENG102 İngilizce 2
Englisch 2
English 2
E 3 0 2
  Total       30

3. Semester
Code Course L T P ECTS
VWL201 Mikro İktisat
G 2 2 6
BWL183 Muhasebenin Temelleri
G 2 2 5
VWL203 İktisadi Tarih
Economic History
G 3 0 6
VWL205 Ekonometri I
Ökonometrie I
Econometrics I
G 2 2 6
POL191 Siyaset Bilimine Giriş
Einführung in die Politikwissenschaft
Introduction to Political Science
G 3 0 5
ENG201 İngilizce 3
Englisch 3
English 3
E 3 0 2
  Total       30

4. Semester
Code Course L T P ECTS
VWL202 Makro İktisat
G 2 2 6
VWL204 Oyun Teorisi
Game Theory
G 2 2 5
VWL206 Ekonometri II
Ökonometrie II
Econometrics II
G 2 2 6
VWL208 Çevre ve Doğal Kaynaklar İktisadı
Umweltökonomik und Ökonomik der natürlichen Ressourcen
Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
G 3 0 5

Para, Banka ve Finans Piyasaları
Geldwesen, Banken und Finanzmarkte
Money, Banking and Financial Markets
G 2 2 6
ENG202 İngilizce 4
Englisch 4
English 4
E 3 0 2
  Total       30

5. Semester
Code Course L T P ECTS
VWL301 Uluslararası İktisat 1
Internationale Wirtschaft 1
International Economics 1
G 3 1 6
VWL303 Kamu Maliyesi ve Kamu İktisadı
Öffentliche Finanzen und Ökonomik des öffentlichen Sektors
Public Finance and Public Economics
G 3 0 5
VWL305 Davranışsal İktisat
Behavioral Economics
G 3 0 5
TUR001 Türk Dili 1
Türkisch 1
Turkish 1
TR 2 0 2
ENG 301 İleri İngilizce 1
Fortgeschrittenes Englisch 1
Advanced English
E 3 0 2
VWLSD5 I Seçimlik Ders 1 / Elective Course 1 G / E - - 5 / 6
VWLSD5 II Seçimlik Ders 2 / Elective Course 2 G / E - - 5 / 6
  Toplam       30

6. Semester
Code Course L T P ECTS
VWL302 Uluslararası İktisat 2
Internationale Wirtschaft 2
International Economics 2
G 3 1 6
VWL304 İktisadi Düşünceler Tarihi
Geschichte des ökonomischen Denkens
History of Economic Thoughts
G 3 0 5
VWL306 İktisadi Büyüme ve Kalkınma
Wirtschaftswachstum und Entwicklung
Economic Growth and Development
G 3 1 5
VWL308 Sanayi ve Yenilik İktisadı
Industrie- und Innovationökonomik
Industry and Innovation Economics
G 3 0 5
VWL310 Seminer 
G 2 0 5
TUR002 Türk Dili 2
Türkisch 2
Turkish 2
TR 2 0 2
ENG 302 İleri İngilizce 2
Fortgeschrittenes Englisch 2
Advanced English 2
E 3 0 2
  Total       30

7. Semester
Code Course L T P ECTS

Seçimlik Ders 3 / Elective Course 3 G/E 3 0 6

Seçimlik Ders 4 / Elective Course 4 G/E 3 0 6

Seçimlik Ders 5 / Elective Course 5 G/E 2 0 6
VWLSD7 Seçimlik Ders 6 / Elective Course 6
G/E 2 0 6

Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkilapları Tarihi 1
Atatürks Grundsätze und Revolutionsgeschichte I
History of Turkish Revolution and Atatürk’s Principles I
TR 2 0 2

Üniversite Seçmeli Ders Havuzu 
Wahlfachpool der Universität 
University Elective Pool 
G/E - - 4*
  Total       30

8. Semester
Code Course L T P ECTS
VWL410 Bitirme Tezi ve Kollogyum
Bachelorthesis mit Kolloquium
Bachelor Thesis with Colloquium
G 2 0 12
AIT002 Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılapları Tarihi 2
Atatürks Grundsätze und Revolutionsgeschichte II
History of Turkish Revolution and Atatürk’s Principles II
TR 2 0 2
VWLSD8 I Seçimlik Ders 7 / Elective Course 7 G / E - - 5 / 6**
VWLSD8 II Seçimlik Ders 8 / Elective Course 8 G / E - - 5 / 6**
VWL SD8 III Seçimlik Ders 9 / Elective Course 9 G / E - - 5 / 6**
  Total       30
Code Course L*** T P ECTS
VWL321 SAP Uygulamaları
SAP Anwendungen
SAP Applications
G/E 1 1 5
VWL323 Para Teorisi ve Politikası
Geldtheorie und Politik
Monetary Theory and Policy
G/E 2 0 5
VWL325 Tarım İktisadı
Agricultural Economics
G/E 2 0 5

Çalışma İktisadı
Labor Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL329 Eğitim İktisadı
Economics of Education
G/E 2 0 5
VWL331  Dijital Ekonomi
Digitale Ökonomie
Digital Economics
G/E 2 0 5
 VWL322 Enerji İktisadı
Energy Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL324 Cinsiyet İktisadı
Geschlecht und Ökonomie
Gender Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL326 Sağlık İktisadı
Health Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL328 Kurumsal İktisat
Institutional Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL419 Türkiye Ekonomisinin Gelişimi
Die Entwicklung der türkischen Wirtshaft
Development and Analysis of Turkish Economy
G/E 3 0 6
VWL421 Dünya Ekonomisinin Güncel Sorunları
Aktuelle Probleme der Weltwirtschaft
Contemporary Problems in the Global Economy
G/E 3 0 6
VWL423**** Staj
G/E 0 0 6
VWL425 Uluslararası Finans
Internationale Finanzen
International Finance
G/E 2 0 5
VWL427 İslami Finans
Islamisches Finanzwesen
Islamic Finance
G/E 2 0 5
VWL429 İslam İktisadı
Islamisches Wirtschaftswesen
Islamic Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL431 Kültür ve Sanat İktisadı
Kultur- und Kunstökonomik
Culture and Art Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL433 Turizm İktisadı
Ökonomie des Tourismus
Economics of Tourism
G/E 2 0 5
VWL435 Finansal Aracılık ve Finans Mühendisliği
Finanzintermediation und Financial Engineering
Financial Intermediation and Financial Engineering
G/E 2 0 5
VWL437 Sunum ve Görselleştirme
Präsentieren und Visualisieren
Presenting and Visualization
G/E 2 2 6
VWL441 Bilimde Sözlü ve Yazılı İletişim
Mündliche und schriftliche Kommunikation in der Wissenschaft
Oral and Written Communication in Science
G/E 2 2 6
VWL443 Ekonomistler İçin İngilizce
Englisch Fachkurs für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
English for Economists
E 2 2 6
VWL445 Metin Madenciliği
Text Mining
Text Mining
G/E 2 2 6
VWL447 Uluslararası Ekonomi Politik
Internationale Politische Ökonomie
International Political Economy
G/E 3 0 5
VWL449 Medeni Hukuka Giriş ve Başlangıç Hükümleri
Einführung in das Zivilrecht und Einleitungsartikel
Introduction to Civil Law and Preliminary Articles
G/E 2 0 5
VWL451 [BWL207] Yatırım ve Finansman
Investition und Finanzierung
Investment and Finance
G/E 2 2 6
VWL453 [BWL201] Pazarlamanın Temelleri
Grundlagen des Marketing
Fundamentals of Marketing
G/E 2 0 5
VWL455 [BWL415] Yöneylem Araştırması
Operations Research
Operations Research
G/E 2 0 6
VWL426 Demografi ve Göç İktisadı
Ökonomik der Demographie und Migration
Demography and Immigration Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL428 Avrupa Bütünleşmesinin İktisadı
Ökonomik der Europäischen Integration
Economy of European Integration
G/E 2 0 5
VWL430 Coğrafya ve Ulaştırma İktisadı
Ökonomik der Geographie und des Transportwesens
Economics of Geography and Transportation
G/E 2 0 5
VWL432 Spor İktisadı
Economics of Sports
G/E 2 0 5
VWL434 Bölgesel İktisat
Regional Economics
G/E 2 0 5
VWL436 İktisatta Güncel Meseleler 1
Aspekte der VWL 1
Current Issues in Economics 1
G/E 2 2 5
VWL438 İktisatta Güncel Meseleler 2
Aspekte der VWL 2
Current Issues in Economics 2
G/E 2 2 5
VWL440 İktisatta Güncel Meseleler 3
Aspekte der VWL 3
Current Issues in Economics 3
G/E 2 2 5
VWL442 İktisatta Güncel Meseleler 4
Aspekte der VWL 4
Current Issues in Economics 4
G/E 2 2 5
VWL444 İktisatta Güncel Meseleler 5
Aspekte der VWL 5
Current Issues in Economics 5
G/E 2 2 5
VWL446 İktisatta Güncel Meseleler 6
Aspekte der VWL 6
Current Issues in Economics 6
G/E 2 2 5
VWL448 Ampirik Ekonomi Politikası
Empirische Wirtschaftspolitik
Empirical Economic Policy
G/E 2 0 5
VWL450 R ile Ampirik İktisat
Empirische Ökonomik mit R
Empirical Economics with R
G/E 2 0 5
VWL452 Ampirik İktisat ve İktisat Tarihinde Güncel Konular
Aktuelle Themen der Empirischen Ökonomie und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Current Topics in Empirical Economics and Economic History
G/E 2 0 5
VWL454 Ekonometri ve İktisadi Tarih
Ökonometrie und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Econometrics and Economic History
G/E 2 0 5
VWL456 [BWL212] Stratejik Pazarlama
Strategisches Marketing
Strategic Marketing
G/E 2 0 5
VWL457 [BWL413] Pazar Araştırması
Market Research
G/E 2 2 6
VWL458 [BWL102] Organizasyon
G/E 2 0 5
VWL459 [BWL007] Dijital Pazarlama
Digitales Marketing
Digital Marketing
G/E 2 2 6
VWL460 [BWL402] İş Oyunu
Business Simulation Game
G/E 4 0 5
VWL461 [BWL417] İş Etiği
Business Ethics
G 1 1 3
VWL462 [BWL216] E-iş
G/E 2 0 5
VWL463 [BWL017] Karar Teorisi
Decision Theory
G/E 2 2 6
VWL464 Kültürlerarası İletişim
Interkulturelle Kommunikation
Intercultural Communication
G/E 2 0 5
VWL465 Veritabanı Sistemleri
Database Systems
G 2 2 6
VWL466 Dijital Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimi
Digitales Supply Chain Management
Digital Supply Chain Management
G/E 2 2 6
VWL467 Veri Madenciliği
Data Mining
Data Mining
G/E 2 2 6
VWL468 [BWL018] Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Yöntemler
Multivariate Statistische Methoden
Multivariate Statistical Methods
G/E 2 2 6
VWL469 [BWL037] İşletmesel Veri Analizi
Betriebswirtschaftliche Datenanalyse
Data Mining
G/E 2 2 6
VWL470 [BWL210] İşletme Finansı
Betriebliche Finanzwirtschaft
Corporate Finance
G 2 2 6
VWL471 Akıllı Sistemler
Künstliche Intelligenz
Intelligent Systems
G/E 2 2 6
VWL472 Veri Analizi Yöntemleri
Methoden der Datenanalyse
Methods for Data Analysis
G/E 2 2 6
VWL473 Yapay Sinir Ağları
Neurale Netze
Neural Networks
G/E 2 2 6
VWL474 Makine Öğrenmesi
Maschinelles Lernen
Machine Learning
G/E 2 2 6
VWL475 Derin Öğrenme
Deep Learning
Deep Learning
G/E 2 2 6
VWL476 [BWL032] Kültürlerarası Yeterlilik Gelişimi
Interkulturelle Kompetenzentwicklung
Intercultural Competence Development
G/E 2 2 6
VWL477 Oyun Tasarımı
Game Design
Game Design
G/E 2 0 5
VWL478 Kültürel ve Yaratıcı Sanayiler/Kurumlar
Kulturelle und kreative Industrien/Institutionen
Cultural and Creative Industry/Institution
G 2 1 4
VWL480 Uluslararası Örgütler
Internationale Organisationen
Internaitonal Organisation
G 3 0 5
VWL481 Kültür Endüstrisinde Etkinlik Yönetimi
Veranstaltungsmanagement in der Kulturindustrie
Event Management in Cultur Industry
G 3 0 4
VWL482 Almanya, Türkiye ve AB için Güncel Siyasal Sorunlar
Aktuelle Politische Herausforderungen für Deutschland, die Türkei und die EU
Contemporary Political Challenges for Germany, Turkey and the EU
G/E 3 0 5
VWL483 Türkiye-Avrupa İlişkilerinde Güncel Meseleler
Aktuelle Themen in Türkisch-Europäischen Beziehungen
Current Issues in Turkey-Europe Relationship
G 2 0 3

Küresel İklim Politikası
Globale Klimapolitik
Global Climate Policy

G/E 3 0 5
VWL485 Türk-Alman İlişkileri: Ekonomi, Politika ve Toplum
Türkisch-Deutsche Beziehungen: Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft
Turkish-German Relations: Economic, Politics and Society
G/E 3 0 5
VWL486 Türk Ekonomisinin Kurumları
Institutionen der türkischen Wirtschaft
Institutions of Turkish Economy
G/E 2 0 5
VWL487 Küreselleşme
G/E 3 0 5
VWL489 Uluslararası Enerji Siyaseti
Internationale Energiepolitik
International Energy Policy
G/E 3 0 5
VWL491 Kentleşme Sorunları
Urbanization and Enviromental Problems
G/E 3 0 5
VWL493 [BWL009] Marka Yönetimi
Brand Management
G/E 2 2 6
VWL495 [BWL013] Kurumsal 2.0
Enterprise 2.0
Enterprise 2.0
G/E 2 2 6
*The total ECTS value of the course/courses to be taken for the  ÜSD007 University Elective Pool course must be minimum 4.

** The total ECTS value of the courses to be taken within the scope of elective courses VWLSD8 must be minimum 16.

***G/E: These courses will be taught either in German or in English.
**** Internship Guideline

! TUR 009 Seçmeli Akademik Türkçe
!! Foreign students who are approved by their advisors as having insufficient knowledge of the Turkish language can take the "Elective Academic Turkish" course as an elective in the 5th semester.

You can find detailed information about the Bologna process of the Turkish-German University Department of Economics here.